More Family Changes!

Well it’s done! We headed out last night and Chantale got herself a car! A brand new 2008 Dodge Caliber will soon be gracing our driveway 🙂 This is her FIRST car! First in that it’s all hers – no co-signee, no nothing. She got this baby on her own merit and financial standing 🙂

I think she’s still reeling from all the changes recently but I always believed in her and knew she had it in her. Yet, here she is, at 28, in Management at Air Canada as a Project Manager for a special project, a very bright future, nicely paid, her own car, two kids, a house, a dog, and one hell of a husband 😉

Seriously. She’s had to battle age prejudice for as long as she’s been in the work force yet always left her other bosses with their jaws hanging open at how much she could accomplish. Was it unthinkable that at 20/21 she was in Corporate Finance at Pratt & Whitney and quickly given her own fleet to manage? Perhaps to anyone who doesn’t know her like I do! 🙂

I’m so proud of all she’s done and continues to do. Some may think she’s just been extremely lucky or blessed, and that may be true to a degree. But the reality is that she’s worked damned hard all her life. It’s about time that hard work is paying off. And NOT at the expense of her family, but *because* she’s got us and knows we’ve got her back 🙂

So, day two of the new schedule and it was definitely a little tougher. This, of course, was due to having only gotten home at 10pm last night after the purchase. Then, with preparing for today and getting my files ready for printing Comicopia, I only hit the sack at midnight. 5 am comes WAY too fast after that 😉

Tonight shouldn’t be a late one but I do have stuff to prepare. We’ll see how long I last. Chantale, as tired as she was, still headed out to play Soccer out of obligation to her team. I don’t think she’ll play the entire game, though.

In other news, my second book shipment arrived today for which I’m very grateful! I sold the last one I had yesterday!! 🙂

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