And it went by in the blink of an eye! Seriously! You know, it kinda sucks that it took 2 days to get over the jetlag, 2 days to break in a routine, and 2 days to settle into a solid routine… only to have it end when I head back to work on Monday. sigh. Anyhow, today was a busy day. Kyle got me out of bed at 620am and we had time to have a leisurely breakfast before Charlize finally woke up at 730am! Unbelievable.

Oh there you are. It’s about time! I’m ready to get up now!
With breakfast out of the way for her, I packed them up and we headed out to run some errands. We got back and Charlize went down for her nap while Kyle and I played outside…

This storage box is great! It stores my toys AND me!
…and then had lunch.

Daddy makes the BESTEST sandwiches!
Kyle went down for his nap early since we had to leave at 230pm to go pick up James and Melyssa and Charlize immediately woke up.

Even when I’m sleeping he has to keep clicking away!
Before I knew it we were in Laval picking them up and back home cooking supper! Blink again and Charlize is asleep (7pm) and Kyle is playing in his room with James and Melyssa. I ran out quickly to pick something up but ended up coming back since the store was too crowded and I didn’t want to wait. Kyle was in bed at 8pm and I watched a bit of the hockey game with the elder kids (I even let Melyssa wear my Flyers jersey 😉 ). It’s a little after 9pm now and I’m rushing a quick post just to have some pics up. Yes, I’m also being cryptic but that’s how it has to be 🙂
Anyhow, tomorrow’s going to be a busy day, too, so it’ll probably be a quick update tomorrow night!