No verbosity today. Can’t talk so won’t write 🙂 Was so tired last night I fell asleep at 10pm. Had to get out of bed at 6am again because I couldn’t convince Kyle to get back to bed. First thing I did once Charlize woke up was to lower her crib! It was a lot easier to bring it down to the lowest level than it was to lower it last time.

I’m still tall!
During Charlize’s morning nap, Kyle and I got to play outside a bit…

T-Ball: It’s not just for Baseballs!
Casey took shelter from the sun…

And Kyle managed to nail a perfect shot…

Right at Daddy’s head!
The rest of the day went by rather quickly as lunch came and went with Kyle eating first, Charlize waking up from her nap right after and eating second, with Kyle going to nap after that. Our good friend Jenny came over to keep an eye on Charlize while I headed to the dentist for some paid torture. The tooth has been repaired but I’m still slightly frozen and in pain 5 hours later.
Kyle pulled another quick stunt by skipping his nap time just like yesterday and Charlize would not go down for hers either. This meant that by late afternoon they were both unbearable! They couldn’t even stand themselves. So… Kyle passed out in his chair during supper, and Charlize followed. Yes, there was some wailing during the putting in bed but it couldn’t be helped. Kyle was out like a light and so is Charlize. I’m literally expecting Kyle to sleep through the night but Charlize might wake up in an hour hungry. At least that’s what I’m hoping because she did not have much of an appetite today.
As for me… I’m going to go read for a while and hope this pain passes quickly enough. So far the Tylenol has eased the throbbing but not the ache. Oh, listen to that. Charlize is crying. All right, scratch that last idea.