Tired Tuesday (With LOTS of Photos)

Here I was thinking that today would have been the start of the “easy” days… and it turned out to be quite frustrating. It’s crazy how much a SCREECHING child can really make a person flip out. And yet, that’s what it felt like. Charlize, my little high-maintenance daughter, decided that every moment NOT spent in my arms would be SCREECHING time. oh lord… Anyhow, let’s do a quick Picture Diary to make things easier to read 🙂

6am – Wake up Daddy!

I thought it was later than that… but no. He had not gotten up all night which means I actually got over 6 hours of sleep in a row!! I managed to convince him to snuggle in bed with me but it lasted all of 15 minutes (of non-stop moving, of course). Finally, demanding breakfast, I got out of bed and started him off…

Banana and Peanut-Butter! I can do it myself!

Soon, I hear giggling and babbling and so head upstairs to see…

Hey! I’m up already!

She came down, drank her milk, and they played for a bit until Charlize started testing out her vocal chords. Seriously. One minute all smiles and giggles, next minute SCREEEEECH. Since she had also started chasing me and grabbing onto my legs, I figured it was time for breakfast. Once that was taken care of, I ran around preparing everything we’d need for our morning trip and then packed them and the JSA packages into the car and headed out to Quebecor. Sure enough, Charlize fell asleep and woke up just as we got there… while Kyle fell asleep just as we were about to get there. Sheesh. Anyhow, packages dropped off and Kyle was all happy to have gone inside and seen all the “trucks” rolling around including the one that came to pick up the skid we had packed…

All gone! Let’s go see Nonna and Nonno!

Before long (and a milk tummy later), we were enjoying our visit with my parents…

Silly Nonno blinded me with the light trick!

Every time we go over, the first thing Kyle does is ask my father for my old cars and the slide to make them fall off the table with. Today, with no prompting whatsoever, little miss genius decided to show us all that SHE knew exactly how to play the same way!!

Take cars, put on slide, go boom… no problem!

Lunchtime came pretty quickly and the kids were spoiled as Nonna made Gnocci!

You’d be smiling in my place, too! Mmmm!

Yup, Charlize also very happily partook of the homemade gnocci. Plus, lots of cucumbers and strawberries! I had brought food along for her but I think the gnocci was much tastier 😉 On the drive home, Charlize napped and Kyle (again) fell asleep just as we were getting home. Kyle continued to nap at home but Charlize was up and done. So, we played for a while until Kyle woke up and then we headed outside to enjoy some fresh air (although it was quite windy and getting dark with a hint of rain in the air…). It was long enough to pick up all the toys, brace the swing from the wind, and do a little weeding…

I can do this – you can watch me!

(That has got to be my favorite pic so far!!) Supper went well and I got a huge cleaning-bug afterwards so while the kids played in the living room, I started twirling around the kitchen picking things up, storing stuff, and generally trying to bring some symmetry to the insanity that the kitchen had turned into the last couple of days. Again, by 645pm, Charlize was miserable and begging to go to sleep. As usual, I wrap her up, give her her milk, and she falls asleep while Kyle plays in his room. The last few nights have been difficult as Kyle just won’t stay still and jumps around a lot. Tonight, he was very quite (after an initial run downstairs). So, I managed to put her to bed relatively easily and quietly, and then walk into Kyle’s room…

uhm… the carpet was itchy?

I caught him sitting on the floor, his hands deep into the tub of cortisone cream we use to control his eczema. Cream was on his face, neck, arms, ankles, and all around him on the carpet. You know what? With the amount of time he’s been around his creams, etc, I never expected him to pull this kind of stunt. I was quite upset, actually. I literally needed a moment to myself (after cleaning everything up) in order to calm down. Finally, two quick books and 3 short songs later, and he was in bed. I was a little stern warning him to stay in his bed and not to get up pretending to need to go to the bathroom but it seems to have worked because he hasn’t gotten up (by now he would have done so twice)…. Damn. I had to open my “mouth”. I hear him coming down the stairs…

…okay, I’m back. *sigh* I need some unwinding. I think I’ll go settle back and watch the “Justice League: The New Frontier” DVD and see how faithful it is to Darwyn Cooke’s masterpiece.

Tomorrow should be a complete “stay at home” day. I’m hoping/ expecting a quiet one.

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