This Week on T.S.L…

Chantale took off this morning for the Dominican Republic for her sister’s Wedding on Wednesday.

I actually didn’t get to sleep until about 130am this morning and then at 430am it was up and get ready to go to the airport! Kyle and Charlize both woke up and were in good spirits as we got there although as we were approaching the parking lot, Kyle did start crying about not wanting Chantale and his grand parents to “leave on a jet plane” 🙂 We’d been prepping him for over a week and he’d been fine with it until about 2 days ago when he was also informed that it wasn’t just “Mommy” who was going to be “leaving on a jet plane” but many other of his family members.

Still, he calmed down and we went inside, checked-in, and chatted very, very briefly with the rest of the “crew” who were flying out. Again, all was well until we got to the security checkpoint and he started getting fussy again. See, he has this great “Airport” book I bought him about a year and a half ago, and we’ve gone through it often so he knows what to expect. In fact, earlier this week when I read it to him I explained how we would all be together at the check in and at the food court and up to the security. Then, “Mommy” would go through Security, the lounge to wait for the plane, a bus to take her to the plane, and eventually the plane would fly to a place with “sun” where she would take a bus to get her luggage, and then another bus to go to the hotel.

So, he knew the routine, and thus wasn’t too happy at the Security terminal. But, he was well composed as he said good-bye to everyone else. After lots of hugs and kisses to Chantale, I turned him away from her so I was the only one watching her get in line and go through. The entire time I was talking to Kyle taking his mind off of the fact that she was leaving. The first sleight-of-hand? After trying the card of the three of us (myself, him, Charlize) heading home for breakfast and it not working, I pulled the donut appeal 🙂 Yup. Asked him if he wanted to go to Timmy’s and get a donut. His eyes lit up and we discussed just which kind (and how many!) he was going to get 🙂

When Chantale went out of site, we headed home (after stopping in for some Timbits, of course). We ended up getting home at 7am and Kyle had a timbit and cereal (and milk) for breakfast. Charlize drank her milk and then at 8 she ahd Toast, Nutri-os, and Kiwi. She would get the funniest sour face whenever I put a piece of kiwi in her mouth – smacking her lips and pursing them together! LOL! 🙂

By 830am, she was sleeping and Kyle finished watching CARS while I rested my eyes a little. Seriously, our schedules were so out of whack! When the movie ended, I joined Kyle on the floor in the living room and we played cars ourselves. Then, we headed up to his room and played with his other cars, his garage, his train set, and other toys. At 10am, Charlize woke up and I packed them both in the car and headed out to WalMart. Within 3 minutes, Kyle was asleep. sigh.

It was a very quick trip and we were back home at 1120. Charlize had her milk while Kyle ate a burger (and cucumbers, and a kiwi (with some bribing) and one last timbit) 🙂 I got him in bed at 12pm and by 1230pm Charlize was having her lunch (chicken cacciatore and pears and nutri-os). Kyle got up a few times (including the first time crying for a “hug and a kiss from Mommy”), but he eventually did fall asleep peacefully. Charlize managed to hang around until 2pm by which point she was way too grumpy/ tired and fell asleep after her third bottle.

I wanted to come here and post this little recap before heading back to bed, too. I’m expecting all of us to be in better shape after our respective naps 🙂 I had started collating the Joe Shuster Awards posters/ postcards/ envelopes but I’m doing this completely alone this year. I’ve estimated that -when all is said and done and the envelopes are sealed and delivered back to Quebecor and Fichtre- that I’ll have spent over 12 hours on this. sheesh.

Anyhow, I did want to leave you all with a note or warning. This is the longest Chantale and the kids have ever been apart. Literally 8 days without contact and I know it’s going to be very hard on her – just as it is for Kyle. To that end, I promised that I would get online as often as possible to post what we’ve been doing in the off-chance that she’ll find a way online. So, be prepared for a lot of “family” time this week 🙂

Enough for now. Bed beckons.

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