Sunday Family Deux

So… moments after I posted my entry earlier today, Kyle woke up crying/ screaming – I had not gotten to bed yet! I went to see him but couldn’t console him. So, I picked him up and brought him to my room, wrapping him up in my sheets. Within minutes he was asleep and I joined him soon thereafter. At 330pm, I hear Charlize yelling from her bed, asking to be picked up. I get up, change her, and go downstairs. Kyle joins us 🙂

We settle down for our afternoon snack and Kyle happily shares his Froot Loops with me -holding out the purple ones and saying, “For YOU!!” 🙂 Genie keeps him happy and I play with Charlize on the floor. Kyle is extremely affectionate, coming over often for hugs and kisses and tell me, “I love you, Daddy” 🙂

At 5pm, the baby and the puppy both start begging me for supper at the same time! 🙂 I settle Charlize in her chair and get her supper ready (leftover chicken, green beans, apple sauce, and cereal biscuit). As I’m feeding her, I’m also preparing supper for Kyle. I had decided on some chicken nuggets and corn for supper while also making some rigatoni for tomorrow’s lunch. What happens instead? Kyle asks for the pasta and I give him a bit telling him the rest is coming soon. He asks for seconds… thirds… fourths! Not only that, but Charlize started screeching at me as well and after I gave her a cut-up piece… she demanded another… and another… and more!! Ah, the best laid plans… 🙂 But I’m sure Nona’s going to love hearing about how the kids adored her sauce! 🙂

By 600pm supper was over and done with and I put on Baby Einstein while I took the 20 minutes to clear the kitchen (empty dishwasher, fill it up again, prepare Charlize’s last bottle for later, boil more water for tomorrow, etc, etc) and eat! At 630pm it was tub time followed by playtime in Kyle’s room plus book reading (tonight’s choices were: Prince and Pauper, Monsters Inc, and Sleeping Beauty). By 730pm Charlize was past her limit so I took a few minutes to give her milk and put her down to sleep.

Then, back in Kyle’s room singing our bedtime songs (tonight’s repertoire included: Blackbird, Leaving on a Jet Plane, and Talking to my Angels). He went down relatively well, getting up once for hugs and once to go to the bathroom. He had started crying again asking for Chantale to give him hugs and kisses and I gently reminded him that she had given him “lots and lots” last night to last him the week. Again with the “Me don’t want Mommy leaving on a jet plane!” and I explained that the same way we get into a car to go somewhere, shop, go back in the car, and come home, Mommy had to do the same thing. She got on the airplane to go to a bus that brought her to the hotel – and then she’ll go back on the bus to get to the plane that will take her home. “Tomorrow?” he asked. “Soon,” I replied. When he again asked for hugs and kisses, I told him that later, Mommy would come with his Angel and kiss him and hug him goodnight when he was sleeping. That made him feel better 🙂

He did get up one last time and came to see me in the kitchen where I was busy assembling the Comics Retailer packages containing the Joe Shuster Awards posters and postcards (I stuffed 250 envelopes with 250 JSA posters, 250 Constellation Awards posters, and 4,500 postcards before needing a break. I’ll finish the rest tomorrow). He crouched down beside me and said, “Me watch?” 🙂 I told him that I appreciated him wanting to help, but it was really late and he needed to get some rest. Then, I scooped him up like I usually do and took him back to his bed 🙂

That’s pretty much all the action for today. I was going to give my overall impressions of things but am just too tired right now. I will admit that when I woke from my nap at 330pm, I was seriously missing my wife & best friend. *sigh* I’m going to go take advantage of my fatigue since the morning gets here rather quickly 🙂


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