In a Fog…

Did you realize it was Thursday today?? Did you realize it was the start of a new month?? Not me. I got off the train today and as I was walking through the doors, I realized I hadn’t bought my pass. Ooops. Okay, more more money spent. All’s good.

This entire week has been so cloudy in my head that it’s grown to fog-like proportions. I’m hardly sure of what I’m doing or where I am lately! I can barely tell the difference between home and work and all the various projects I’m working on or things that need doing!

It’s all been bizarrely insane. Add to the fact that I’ve been getting very little-to-none sleep and part of the “fog” mystery clears up… but not enough! I think I got up at least 5 times over night because the kids were restless. Thank God it’s sunny outside which means that when I haul my carcass out of bed at 6am the automatic-pilot can at least get me dressed and downstairs making breakfast for Kyle. So, by the time he’s eating I’m a short breakfast away from being ready to leave.

I did manage to get our taxes filed in the early morning yesterday – after trying all night long on the 29th without success due to the overwhelming crawling of the government web site. I’m very happy we’re getting a refund which will simply go towards paying off more debt. Bunnies have got nothing on Debt. Debt multiplies much faster than Bunnies. Debt are Bunnies on Viagra, Speed, and Spanish-Fly all taken together. How’s that for an image?? 🙂

In other news, I’m finalizing some last minute details before releasing The Mysterious Minute-Men Omnibus at large. I do believe I’ll get an even bigger kick out of opening the boxes to those books than I did when I opened the boxes to The Anti-Bodies: Heaven Can Wait 🙂

Tomorrow night, I’m heading out to Quebecor to pick up the Joe Shuster Awards posters for this, our 4th Annual event. Once I put the packages together, they should be back at Quebecor by Tuesday so they can get shipped to Diamond on Wednesday and hopefully in comic shops across Canada by the 14th – my birthday! Cool 🙂 And speaking of cool, have you seen the poster? As nice as Tom’s pencils were, the colored version looks really sweet. Here, I’ll save you the trouble: Click Me to see the Poster! 🙂 Yes, Comicopians will be spoiled and get a copy of it when I ship them Issue 107 in June.

Speaking of Comicopia, I should get the covers to 106 online soon. Gabriel Morrissette has a Siegel-inspired Superman on the front…

Okay, enough rambling. Have to get some coffee in me!

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