Friday Thoughts

Just some thoughts going through my head on a friday morning…

– how interesting is it that Ike Turner gets a tiny paragraph mention in yesterday’s paper for living his life to the end like a “true” music legend… and overdosing on cocaine? sheesh.

– how could bobby fisher be dead at 64? in my mind he’s still that little kid from the movie…

– how is it possible that I’m entering into 18 years since i’ve worked on The Mysterious Minute-Men on-and-off… I seriously have to track down the date I truly first began that series. I believe the photographs are dated so it’ll give me a much better idea. … and as I told Tara Tallan, it’s no wonder I’m so anxious to publish the Omnibus later this year!

– how funny is it that last week i was sitting with a co-worker who had just finished my novel (The Anti-Bodies: Heaven Can Wait) and her impression of it was more of shock at all the swearing. Her comment of “knowing you as I do Professionally, it was hard to reconcile with you writing all that swearing!” made me laugh and counter with, “Well, it’s Gangsters after all. They’re not the most polite when they’re angry” 🙂

– how funny is it that i’ve been up past midnight every night this week (since sunday!) painting the bedroom… and we might end up changing the color on two walls in a couple of weeks!

– how shocking is it to realize the incredible amount/ number of books i’ve specifically purchased as encouragement to the efforts of my friends?

– how wonderful is it to be speaking with someone a couple of weeks ago who told me that her husband had read my novel and immediately asked when the next one was coming out… and then who last week told me she herself can’t find anything good to read and asked how soon the new book was coming out!

– how tiring is it to be fighting migraines all week?

– how amazingly wonderful it is to be with the woman i adore and who after almost 10 years and 2 children together we still can’t keep our hands off each other?! 😉

– how much i’m looking forward to getting up with the whole family in the house tomorrow morning and enjoying a leisurely cup of coffee and breakfast… the constant morning rush has been excessively draining this week.

to be honest, there are plenty of more thoughts rummaging around my brain, but I figured that if I didn’t post at least SOME of them… I wouldn’t get around to posting ANY!!

Hope you’re all having yourselves a good Friday 🙂

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