Where’s the cheer?!

Really bizarre morning so far! Firstly, on the nice side, I was actually able to walk on the sidewalk on my morning trek to the train 🙂 With that massive snowstorm of Monday, walking was insane. We’re talking snow 5 foot high everywhere! No sidewalks in sight! So, every day as I walked the 5km to the train, it was all done on the streets. Walking the 5km home in the dark was also an adventure, but what the hey.

Anyhow, got downtown and they still haven’t cleaned the sidewalks here. No 5-foot high piles, though, just lots and lots of ice and small places to step. But… hardly anyone around! It’s almost as though folks have started their xmas holidays early and took all the cheer with them. Weirdly silent.

Worse, I went to the copy shop this morning and the ENERGY was so low as to feel like I was in a morgue. Outside of one small red plant there was nothing to indicate that they’re operating in a festive season. What the hell?! Service centers should ALWAYS be hopping! Sheesh.

I got all my copies done, though, so that’s great! And, I even made another sale after pimping The Anti-Bodies 🙂

So, all in all, I’m fighting some kind of weird gloom in the air but I’m so stoked (must be the lack of sleep because there isn’t any caffeine in me.. YET) that it’s not bothering me much more than that 🙂

Oh yeah, one more thing! Charlize cut her first tooth yesterday! In fact, by last night, she was cutting her second! At one point she had started sucking on my shirt sleeve (white!) and when she pulled away there were little blood stains! eeek! 🙂

Ah.. the holidays… (big grin)

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