Well. You normally wouldn’t think that you’d find an interesting and thought-provoking blog post about the sanctity of marriage in a blog about Comics… but today’s post from The Occasional Superheroine sure does that! One of my favorite passages is this (emphasis mine):
“I believe that the core value of sacrificing of one’s wants for the greater good of one’s spouse and child to be very heroic. I believe that the parent who goes into their 9 to 5 every day with the monkeysuit and the briefcase so their children can have proper health insurance is very heroic. I think withstanding the temptation to stray in order to keep stability in the family is very heroic. I think these are the everyday heroic things that go unnoticed by society — and not only goes unnoticed but is often sneered at.”
You can read the full article (which is about the current Spider-Man storyline “One More Day” and touches upon The Incredibles) here: http://occasionalsuperheroine.blogspot.com/2007/11/fangirl-fridays-down-with-marriage.html