Okay, I’ve been sufficiently smacked around tonight (thanks Chantale, thanks Von) and am thus re-stating something I wrote a few days ago, but with more emphasis on what’s important.
My first NOVEL has officially been published through lulu.com

As my wife so delicately puts it, “this is a champagne moment.” So, come and celebrate! 🙂
And, as Von says, “holy shit, folks, my first book is out! Go take a look NOW!”
I guess as much as I enjoy pimping my friends, I have a bit of difficulty pimping myself 🙂
I’ll do better next time. Because there will be a next time. Just head over to http://www.savageland.com/publishing to see the next two planned books 🙂
You can order The Anti-Bodies directly through lulu.com at this link: http://www.lulu.com/content/868406