Slow Grow

Have any of you ever worked with folks who’ve come back from vacation with a “raring-to-go” attitude? You know the type. They come in Monday morning after being away for a couple of weeks and literally clap their hands together with an, “I’m all rested and both anxious and excited to get back to work”. The… bizarre part being that they really mean it?

I don’t understand those people.

Because, seriously, when I’m on vacation away from work, the first thing that goes through my mind on that back-to-work Monday morning is NOT “let’s get cracking”. It’s more a longing for bed and the joy of not being rushed for everything.

This morning, I realized that yes, I’ve been working/ growing my day-job career for about 20 years now. I’ve worked a little longer than that, though. I’m talking “day-job career” of going from a Programmer to Manager. The even sadder realization was that I’ve got another 25 years of this to go. The saddest realization was when I mistakenly thought that I only had 15 years left and got very excited about it.

I’ve always known that I can’t wait to retire from the daily grind. I just never realized how deep that desire runs to get out of this rat race. I just really want to concentrate on my writing and Publishing and it’s a little difficult right now. Not unexpected after all, what with raising 4 kids. But at least I know that eventually (in a few years) there will be a period when I will be able to have more time available at home to concentrate on those things until a possible full switchover.

So, I guess, the truth is that I’ve still got dreams. And that’s good.

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