Post-Op Day 5

Lots of excitement today, but really very little energy to write about it! We spent the entire day at the hospital and we might be extremely tired right now (heck, Chantale is already asleep having fallen asleep on the drive home) but we’re also quite ecstatic, too.

Firstly, the most important news: Charlize is awake, alert, and breathing on her own! That’s right, the respirator was finally removed today after all her medication was slowly weaned from her. In fact, right now, the only thing she’s receiving is an IV. She’s slowly getting her voice back and should probably be sounding like normal tomorrow. Her last chest tube (on her ride side) was also removed which made us very happy.

She spent a lot of this evening staring at us, sucking on her Horsie pacifier, and had even started to respond a little to our talking to her 🙂 There was one little moment of a minor arrhythmia issue, but it was regulated with a pacer-pulse and the hiccup was all gone.

We do expect everything to continue being well and stable overnight and into tomorrow. She is quite hungry but we can’t feed her until we know for sure she won’t need any intervention (it’s a regular precaution regarding CO2 in her blood).

So, seriously, we’re one step closer to liberation! 🙂 Today was a very good day, indeed 🙂

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