Hello again. Quick updates tonight. We’re still in the Pediatric Ward of the MCH and aren’t really sure when or if they’ll release us. They’ve upped the dosage of Charlize’s medication to 4mg and feel confident that things are stable. However, considering how tricky this all is and how quickly it can change, they may feel it’s best that we stick around. At any rate, we’ve gotten into a decent routine now so Chantale and I each take turns to come home while still spending plenty of time together at the hospital. One of the real tough parts is not seeing Kyle on a regular basis but we are extremely grateful that her parents have been taking care of him. He’s basically been living with them since Thursday and they’ve got a good routine going with him.
We met with the resident who works with the specialist as well as the head of the pediatric cardiology department and they’ve told us that the operation will more than likely take place on Tuesday the 28th. Considering who’s currently waiting for heart surgery, we should be scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. At the latest, it would be in the morning of Thursday the 30th (our 4th wedding anniversary!) So, basically, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Because so many are worried/ concerned about how things have been for us, some photos from the hospital are now online. Click the image below to see them! Obviously, this is how things have been pre-op.

Thanks again, everyone, for your kind words and thoughts.