How do you update when you don’t have/ can’t find/ can’t make the time to do so?
I still don’t know. At any rate, some quickies from this weekend because I don’t want to forget more than the ones I’ve already forgotten!!
Picked up James and Melyssa on friday night. It was really great having them with us on a friday again. Kyle was simply ecstatic with seeing them and basically jumped around squealed the entire car ride home 🙂
The weekend was made up of a lot of work around the house (yardwork (mowing, weeding, gardening, putting up a gazebo), prepping Melyssa’s old room with primer, buying paint, etc) but it was also a really nice weekend. Melyssa was extremely happy to be in her “new” room now that she kept thanking us over and over 🙂 She also came biking with Kyle and I on Saturday morning and afterwards I gave her my old bike so she retired the one she’d been using for the last two years. Kyle had an absolute blast playing with his older siblings outside all day and even got to enjoy “Finding Nemo” on Saturday night 🙂
I had a number of choice comments that I wanted to keep, but, as is usually the case, when it comes time to writing them, I’ve forgotten. There is one that hasn’t slipped my mind and it came during supper on Saturday night when we were all feasting on an incredible and tasty Linguine Chicken Alfredo that Chantale had cooked for us. James said to Chantale, “Have you ever thought of opening up a restaurant? You would make a fortune! This is fantastic!”
Nice ego boost, hm? 🙂