…that’s the sound of my head exploding… my eyeballs flying off my face… and smacking into my monitor.
you’d think it would be a little more “squishy” sounding…
*peeks head out from calendar and paperwork* … unbelievable. Over a week of silence. Not on purpose, however. Just… NO… time…
Forget “voice post”. I’m looking forward to the day of “thought post”. At least that way when I’m thinking about something worth blogging about, it would happen at the same time! 🙂
I don’t want to say I’m a little punch-drunk, but the last two+ weeks have been extremely intense. Most if not all the projects I’ve been involved in have had major activities/ milestones and I’ve been on an insane go-go-go! because of it. Everything should be in place now, so I can go back to monitoring and following up versus building, planning, delivering, evaluating, etc.
Heck, maybe I’ll even be able to take lunch and GO outside! They tell me there’s sun there sometimes…
oh, wait… Comicopia issue 100 deadline is 7 days from NOW? … *thud*