I’m breathing? Huh? I’m not rushed to finish seven zillion things at once, six point nine nine of them being not really important? huh? Must be Thursday.
It’s crazy to think how calendars have cycles, isn’t it? Januaries are horrible due to all the bills coming due. Februaries are crappy with all the money flowing out it to the point that Marches come and you’re broke. It’s isn’t until Junes that you can start to breathe a little easier, and Octobers when you can breathe better.
Same for weeks. Mondays are garbage. It’s where you get it piled onto you. Tuesdays are spent hacking away at them while more continues to fall. Wednesdays are the last-ditch efforts to make a hole large enough to at LEAST be able to breathe. Thursdays are when everything begins to make sense. Fridays are the lenient ones. Saturdays don’t exist because you’re so busy playing catch-up with your real life. Sundays are too bloody short no matter which way you slice it.
And I find myself with nothing to say after spending way too long railing at the fact that I had a lot to say but no time to say it in! bleah. And I got off the phone twice already making arrangements for more rushing around. Yegads, Brain!