Happy Post

Just got back from a coffee lunch with three other extremely talented friends (Gabriel Morrissette, Mark Shainblum, and Johane Matte). It’s always a blast to get together and, unfortunately due to our schedules, it doesn’t happen very often. Thankfully, because of Comicopia (http://www.comicopia.net) and the deadlines, there’s always a possible chance that it happens at least once every year 🙂 It’s especially nice to talk about our respective works and discuss all the up and coming projects and this was the perfect day for it 🙂

Gabriel is finishing off the Jackfruit Press book on Tupper (with inking assist by the very-abled Bernie Mireault) as well as doing some small work for Soleil (and of course his regular gig on Daisy Dreamer)

Mark is in the process of launching another web comic and has informed me that Canadiana also re-started this week. And, of course, he’s expecting his first child (a girl!) very soon 🙂

Johane, well, there’s so much there that I can’t share but that’s often the case 🙂 However, if any of you market-watchers have seen this: Coming Feb 07 then you’ve got something to really look forward to 🙂 I was shown the originals of this last year (including roughs) and I’m psyched that it’ll be coming out (the same year as her work in Flight #4).

And, to end on a family-happy note, I’ll be seeing James and Melyssa this weekend! With the Xmas tree and decorations down, it’ll be a little weird to be opening gifts, but what the heck. What really matters is that we see them now and not two weeks from now! 🙂

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