Expozine Cometh!


Expozine 2006 is now accepting registrations for tables. Head over to http://www.expozine.ca/en/index.php and click on Register. But do it soon because registrations are only accepted until November 1st!

From their home page: “This year’s fifth anniversary edition will take place on Saturday November 25, 2006 from 11 am to 6 pm, at 5035 St-Dominique, between St-Joseph and Laurier. This incredible event brings together over 200 creators of all kinds of printed matter in both English and French. In the past five years, Expozine has grown to become one of North America’s largest small press fairs, attracting thousands of visitors as well as exhibitors from as far afield as Chicago, Toronto, Ottawa, and Quebec City! It is one of the city’s cultural success stories, and this year’s edition promises to be the biggest yet! ”

Comicopia will be there (registration just completed!). Rufftoons will be there. Will you be there? SRP? 🙂

Wow. I just realized this will be the first convention Comicopia has a table at since SmallPox 1997 (or was that 98?). Crazy… but about time, too! 🙂

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