I realize my posts are sometimes all over the place since I’m talking about a lot of different things. So, I will make the effort to breakdown the posts and concentrate (or attempt to concentrate) on specific ideas per post. Yes, this might mean multiple posts, but at least they’ll have a different target 🙂
Let’s begin with Comicopia.
I got my hands on what will be the cover for issue 96 and I love it 🙂 Not that I don’t love every cover but this idea was one that I’ve been trying to get put together for years now. It will become the main picture to be used on various “recruitment” type flyers and the web. Heck, it might end up being a t-shirt at this rate.
I’ve worked out the theme for issue 99 and got the artist started on one of the covers for that issue. I’m glad he’s excited by it 🙂
I’ve spoken with Gabriel Morrissette on the cover for our incredible issue 100 and we’re working the logistics of getting other member art for the contributing pieces. Slightly challenging but we’re optimistic.
Speaking of our 100th issue in general and APACon 1 in particular… it turns out that Paradise Comics have decided that their annual convention will be the weekend of June 8th 2007 and not end of April as it has been in the past. This means that as opposed to “launching” issue 100 at the Convention, it will be closer to the publishing of issue 101 (June 20, 2007 is deadline for 101). So, the impact won’t be the same… I guess we’ll still have a table, though. It is something to celebrate after all… We’ll see what the members think. At least it’ll help me get rid of some of those much older back issues 🙂
Actually, speaking of back issues, if there’s anyone reading this who’d like to get copies of some back issues (hey, comics history is great!) just let me know and I’ll send them to you. (Von, you’ll have to tell me how many you want me to limit you because otherwise… well, I’ll give you a whole slew of them… 🙂 Actually, Dwight, you should let me know if you want me to send you some issues too (or drop them off the next time I pass through Ottawa!))
Drats. I got interrupted and thus lost my train of thought. So, I’ll leave it at this for now 🙂