
Nothing like realizing you’ve been away from LJ for so long to make you start questioning your own existence…

I think therefore I am… but if I don’t blog do I still “am”? (shrug of shoulders)

I don’t know where the time has gone, I can barely tell where I am some days. Been rather busy at the day job, had a lot to do there as well as at home, and had shut myself off from everything else by immersing myself in the Tarzan of the Apes novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Seriously. I’ve got a review for Comicopia, too. In fact, I’ve recently written up a number of reviews I’m keeping for Copia as well as posting on Library Thing… and I’ve started wondering if some of them I shouldn’t also cross-post to since they’re also comics-related…

Speaking of Comicopia, deadline for issue 95 is less than a week away. I’ve got to finish my Paradise Comics Toronto Comicon/ Shuster Awards Convention Venture and I’ll be done. Then it’ll be a matter of getting all the other sections together (although I’ve already received 4 others). Oh yeah, gotta print up the covers as well…

On another strange tangent, I recently started breaking down an idea for a Work-Life Balance book/ training session. There are a number of lessons I believe I can share that a lot of folks can benefit. Heck, one of the best things is that I would easily be able to test-market it with a lot of folks at work right now 🙂 I’ve always had these ideas, but specifically in the last week I realized that my brain had been putting chapters together all along, on its own…

Still on the pending to-do list is to get my emails out to Canadian Comic Shops and other Canadian Comic Folks in the hopes they might find potential, worthwhile candidates for this year’s Shuster Awards Nominating Panel. Not a “big” rush but something I’ve been wanting to get to for a while now.

okay, I need a break now. I wanna go read some comix 🙂

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