
I miss my family something fierce today…

I picked up James and Melyssa Saturday afternoon instead of Friday after school due to James’ having a baseball practice. For that same reason, I dropped them back off on Sunday morning as opposed to after supper. With Chantale working and Kyle’s schedule that was the only available option. It’s quite something to see Kyle’s reactions when his siblings are around and he gets such a huge kick hanging out in their rooms. His favorite thing to do is dance (by bum-squirming/ jumping on the floor) in James’ room when James has his stereo on, and sitting on Melyssa’s lap slamming down on the keyboards of the Casio system in her room 🙂

Only 10 months old and already he demands to be included when they play together 🙂

Chantale, my beautiful wife… sigh… yesterday felt like the first real summer day. Being able to relax outside in the evening (if even for a bit) and just enjoying the family and home we built… it just makes everything worthwhile. Getting up at 5 to get ready for work is harsh, but it helps assure that I can be at home before 6pm. Being able to relax together and talk about our future… I just can’t conceive of not having more children together 🙂

Kyle is just so amazing. The intelligence in his eyes, the way you can see his constant quest for exploring and learning new things… how he interacts with us, and especially how he seeks comfort and settles in when it’s time for naps or bedtime. It is so calming, so heartwarming, so… right. I had a whole other post/ subject started about this so I’ll stop here since I’ll end up reverting to it soon.

It’s funny. I believe it was Friday night, I was working on an editorial piece for the next Comicopia. I was writing about (and later talking to Chantale about) how even with all the hassles and schedule-juggling that I have to do to get James and Melyssa, 1 hour of exposure to our Family is worth it because of the benefits they get from it and how much their lives are enriched. On Saturday, James told us about how he had his first sex-ed class in school this past week and how nothing came up that he didn’t already know because of the talks we’ve given him. And then, driving them back on Sunday, I gave them a brief lesson in the history and origin of words and explained to them the concept and usage of words such as “bitch”, “bastard”, “Wop”, and the famous “F-word”. It was probably the most “teaching” we did in the shortest period of time with them…

Yeah, I miss my family something fierce today… I can’t wait for June 23rd and the week of vacation that’ll follow…

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