
One of the biggest problems about not posting daily is that when you finally do get around to posting, you either have too much to say or you’ve forgotten much of what you wanted to share. Just an observation. At any rate, let’s begin.

First off, I wanted to state how much fun I’m having with Kyle these days. With Chantale working weekends and thursday/friday nights, we get to hang out a lot more than we did and do a lot of stuff together. Unfortunately, outdoor plans get a little ruined with all the recent rain, but it won’t last forever. He’ll be 10 months old on Monday and he popped his seventh tooth yesterday! He’s too funny 🙂 Ever since last week we’ve been introducing him to a lot of different foods. Heck, he even partook of my lasagna birthday supper! 🙂 Actually, I wanted to use my lasagna icon to post this news! I think I still will 🙂

The installation of the fence has been delayed due to rain. Sheesh. Now my backyard looks like a jungle. (heh. my own private Savage Land 😉 )

See? I was just interrupted and now my entire train of thought has been tossed out the window. oh well. I guess I’ll just end with this other bit of news: I had lunch with my buddy Gabriel Morrissette yesterday and he confirmed to me that Mr. Comics (Ty Templeton) will be issuing a trade edition of the current Planet of the Apes mini-series, and a SECOND mini-series HAS been confirmed. That is very good news. Let’s face it, Canada needs a Comic Publisher – one that won’t overdo it and choke on their releases.

One last thing before I go. Yesterday’s Fast Fiction piece. It was written without a twist/ surprise ending simply because: (a) too many folks keep expecting twist endings and that’s not really what an FF is supposed to be about, and (b) it was more about sharing sentiments/ feelings, than anything else. Is the “speaker” *really* dead? What do you think?

Okay, I’m off now. I’m in a much better mood, by the way. Sleep and nice chats/ cozying with my wife helps a lot 🙂

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