Harper Demon

Warren Ellis’ BadSignal cracked me up this morning. Here’s part of what he had to say in regards to Harper’s victory in Canada: “Doesn’t Stephen Harper look like the kind of actor a US or US-but-produced-in-Canada TV show uses as the bad guy when they can’t afford a British actor? … You know the kind of guy. Grey hair, so white you can practically see through his skin into his circulatory system, with the kind of unblinking half-glower that let’s you know that no matter what he’s talking about, he’s actually thinking about shoving pregnant lesbians tits-first into a woodchipper. … Paul Martin should never have let on that he was desperate. And now he’s in the bin and you’re ruled by the guy who plays Creepy Vice-President in Sci-Fi Channel shows…”

And I laughed because every time I’ve seen Harper on the news, all I can say is: “How can you trust that face? He’s DAMIEN!” Some people, you can’t tell they have a hidden agenda. With this guy, it’s hidden right on his face.

Remember all, this is my personal belief. I don’t like him, I don’t trust him. And before you wonder, no, I don’t trust any of the other leaders either. Because a Leader would (a) Take Responsibility for the poor actions of those under his leadership and make amends (which Martin didn’t do), and (b) Lead by Example and that doesn’t mean insulting the other teams (which Ducie defnitely did, often). I won’t make any cracks about Layton because I don’t know a thing about him.

“And that’s all I have to say about that” – Forrest Gump

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