Kyle Ethan turned 6 months old yesterday. Wow. It’s such an amazing feeling having him in our lives that the only analogy I can give you is this: if you could bottle up the amount of love and happiness he brings to us (that’s not just me, but Chantale, James, and Melyssa) you would have enough energy to dwarf the sun. Funny thing about yesterday was that he woke up with such a huge appetite it felt like an on-going battle to keep him fed! He just ate and ate the whole time loudly proclaiming “MMMMMMM!!!” white seated in his high chair 🙂 And then, even though he took a nap after his “swimming” class, he took another 4-hour nap throughout the evening! But then, after 90 minutes, he was so exhausted he fell back to sleep and did not get up until 6am. Woah.
One really fun thing I did with him was at lunch, while I was eating a canteloupe (amazed at how juicy and refreshing it was) I held a slice to him and he immediately took to it and both chewed and sucked 🙂 I don’t think I would have given it to him if I had known that you’re only supposed to give kids canteloupe at 12 months, but considering how much he enjoyed it (and squealed for more!), I’m glad I did 🙂 Unfortunately, no photos were taken, but the image of him happily nibbling at the slice will stay with me for a long time 🙂
And on that happy note, I’ll try to move away from the gloom of the last few posts.