Tonight’s family activity consisted of playing Monopoloy 🙂 After watching Back to the Future 2 and 3 the last couple of nights, it was nice to finally have a game night. The kids enjoyed it and so did Chantale and I. Of course, as I tucked the little rugrats into bed, I realized that this marks their seventh night with us. It seemed like such a big number when I made the visitation plans a couple of months ago, but living through it, I realized, again, that it’s not such a large amount of time. Yes, they’ve been with us a LOT these last two months, but… aw shit man, it’s just not enough :_(
*deep breath*
ahem. Okay. Anyhow, tomorrow morning I’ll be bringing them to my folks so they can spend the day with them. It’s part of my “christmas cheer” to have them stay with my folks since my folks obviously want to see them more often than they do. They’ll be picked up after work tomorrow and will spend New Year’s with their mother. I’ll see them again when I go pick them up on January 6th or 7th. At least it’s not that far away.
At least I’m so busy at home with the redecorating and fixing/cleaning up that it’ll be a little “easier” to ignore the fact they’re not here… I’ll just pretend they’re playing at the neighbor’s… besides, I’m sure Kyle won’t mind the extra hugs and kisses from me, although I know he’ll miss them too as I’m sure he realizes it when they’re not around (same as Casey does!)
Just wanted to pop in and say “boo”. I have to go now and pull myself together again…