Exploding Clouds

I’ve basically been up since about 4am trying to figure out the best way to get to work today. I was shocked at the amount of snow then, and was doubly-so at 6am when I finally dragged my butt out of bed to go shovel (after breakfast, of course 🙂 ). I was out at 6:20am and was almost to the street when the city truck FINALLY came by… and blocked my access. Obviously. I felt like I just walked into the punchline of an old joke. Anyhow, I cleared it off and finally got the car out of the garage and drove to the train station. I was on the road by about 6:45am and luckily there was nowhere near the amount of traffic I expected. I got to the 20 and made my way to the Ile Perrot train station, wide-turning around a stalled car right in the center of the autoroute and around another bozo who decided she would try to stop at the red light.. halfway into the autoroute.

The rest of the trip was uneventful as I sat in the train and started Allison Baird’s The Hidden World. Wow. Am liking this right away!

Touchdown at the terminus, and it was like walking up a snowy peak as I trudged the 4+ city blocks that had NOT been touched at all by any snow removal vehicles. Butt cheeks of steel, I tell ya. Quite an adventure making my way into the building.

Lo and behold, my morning coffee actually tasted good, too! Considering the horrible luck I had with coffee yesterday, this was a much nicer start to the day. I do wonder, though, how long I’ll be able to last as I’m already starting to feel the fatigue…

Oh well. Let it snow. Better now than during the actual Xmas weekend as many folks will be driving to their visit with their families!

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