Top 4 Slogans

Many, many years ago, a friend of mine was working for a company that dealt in push technology for the emerging use of cellphones for surfing. Basically, they were hired by various telcos to provide weekly “jokes” to subscriber cell phones. The idea of a Top 4 Slogan pitch was launched successfully with the idea being similar to obvious “top 10” jokes. However, dealing with the small amount of space available (at the time), they stuck with four. I was asked to pitch ideas and to be honest never knew what happened to them afterwards. The company many or may not have used them but considering (a) my friend doesn’t work there any more and (b) that company no longer exists, I have no way of knowing 🙂 I didn’t mind, though, as some of them could be seen as “touchy” 🙂

Why talk about this now? Simply because I found two such jokes in my scribble pad recently and figured I’d throw them up here 🙂 Worth a snicker at the very least 🙂 So, here you go, Marketing Slogans for 2 different “products” 🙂

Top 4 Hare Krishna Slogans:

  • Not musically inclined? Doesn’t matter, neither are we!
  • Never worry about what to wear!
  • Problem hair? No hair, No problem!
  • Socially disabled? Join our crew!

    Top 4 Elevator Slogans:

  • When life is bringing you down, we’ll lift you up!
  • Come in and get high, legally!
  • The place everyone wants to have sex in!
  • The easiest way to get to the top without getting your knees dirty!
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