Had a rather nice evening yesterday that began with a side trip to Pepiniere Cramer in Ile Perrot. Had a fun chat with the owner who told me all about her life in Italy and moving here in 1957 to carve out a living 🙂 It’s always so much fun talking to old Italian ladies who, once they realize you’re Italian (speaking it is always a dead giveaway!) go off on their memory trips 🙂 The reason I was there, though, was to pick up a Red Maple to plant in our back yard. We’ve been wanting to do it for the last two years but decided it would be the year Kyle was born as a comemmorative. With a 30% discount, it allowed me to get other needed items like bonemeal, fertilizer, winter protection, and a t-bar as well! 🙂 Digging will definitely be an adventure, and it was begun today by about 4 inches from removing the grass in the designated spot. Now the hard work will begin! But, I’m looking forward to it 🙂
Then, Chantale and I got to cooking a hearty spagetthi supper with garlic bread and sausages for James and Melyssa and her sister, too! A fun family meal which ended in the living room as we all gathered at 6:30pm to watch “Le Cercle” on TVA to see my friend (and employee) Sebastien win an all-expenses 2-week trip to Punta Cana 🙂 He’ll be on all week so tune in and join the fun 🙂
At 7pm, Sylvie and I drove the kids back and then I dropped her off at home. When I got home, Chantale and I put Kyle to bed and we enjoyed a nice hot bath. And then, it was time for Monday Night Football! Cowboys vs. The Eagles! 🙂 You know, I waited my whole life to have a girlfriend that would dig the NFL like I do so that I could have someone watch football with me. This just proves, once again, how great she is for me 🙂
This morning my brain is a little fuzzy but to be honest, the last week+ has been the same. Hopefully something will change soon so I can get my bearings again and focus. I haven’t touched NaNo in over 4 days now…
By the way, got news that my good friend Stephanie is scheduled to have her second baby on December 22nd at 8am! My Xmas vacations begin that evening so you can be sure I’ll be thinking of you, Stef! 🙂 Good luck and talk to you soon! 🙂