
All right, so I have to confirm that I will be playing the NaNoWriMo game again this month. Not as an all-out attack like the last few years, but more as a slow-and-steady route. Funny, as usual. The three different novel ideas I’ve been throwing around all year? Not one of them was the final picked for this NaNo. A completely new one – although, again as in previous years, one that has been fermenting around my brain for over 5 years now. Hm. I guess at this rate, I’ll simply be writing old stories every year, while getting ideas for new ones which I won’t actually write until they also become old ideas. Hm.

And in other news, my lovely wife came home with a 12-pack of Dr. Pepper last night. All for me. No wonder I wasn’t tired typing away into the late night…. 🙂

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