It had been a while since I experienced a CSH story. I guess I was due.
Yesterday, I headed over to the local Konica shop to get copies made up of The Mysterious Minute-Men Collected Edition as well as some Comicopia member sections. A couple of years ago, I had a small issue with that shop whenever I brought in one-sided copies to be made into two-sided ones. Thus, since then I would always print everything up double-sided (thanks to the growth of printer technology). In this way, no one could be confused with my request. “They’re double-sided, keep them double-sided!”. Yesterday, it seems, that explanation was listened to.
After a 15-minute wait, I stroll on over to the counter and ask how things are going. The Comicopia stuff is still going but the Minute-Men stuff is done. I ask for the MM copies so I can at least put them in my bag and when she gives them to me… they’re much thinner than they should be. A quick glance shows that, yes indeed, instead of copying 2×2 to 2×2, she set the copier for 1 to 2. Thus, I’m missing every other page. Oops. No problems with the Comicopia ones, at least.
Finally, the large Copia count is done and she starts shoving them into a box for me to carry. Barely paying attention to the way she was stacking them. I sigh. We head to the cash and she tells me the amount. I’m somewhat surprised and give her my credit card. As she’s running it through, I’m looking over her copy numbers. Uhmm. Excuse me? I point out a very obvious error and it’s “uh-oh… sorry” time. She calls over someone else to help reverse the credit charge. He clears the screen by error. They both call someone else. He comes to see what they’ve done and then turns around and goes to call someone more senior. He finally sets it all straight and I get credited. Then, she punches in the proper amount and it’s about $70 less. Sheesh. I pay, get my stuff, and leave.
Sometimes I think it’s worth investing in buying or renting my own copy machine…