Love, Life, Laughter

Last night, while Chantale and I were snuggled warmly in bed, chatting softly as we often do prior to drifting off to sleep, she told me that she’s still waiting for me to write about Kyle. It’s a strange realization for a writer to know that he actually hasn’t written about his new son as much as he thinks he has! The difference really has to do with the fact that I actually spend quite a lot of time talking about him. No, not to just anyone who would listen, but to friends who are truly interested 🙂 And thus, because I have that outlet, the writing of him on this blog just doesn’t happen. This won’t always be the case, of course, but it stands somewhat.

For the sake of my beautiful wife, however, and some friends whom I don’t get to speak with on a regular basis, I will share the following:

I love being a full-time father again. I love the fact that I can sit on the train going home and think about what my son and my wife have been doing all day and picture their smiling faces. And then, at the end of the ride, I can walk into my house and hold the both of them. I love being able to walk around the house with Kyle in my arms, snuggling him and feeling the warmth of his cheeks on mine. I actually love changing him because I adore talking to him. As he lays on his pad, smiling up at me, and “coo-ing” his replies, the smile on my own face just gets that much bigger 🙂 Oh, how I love sharing smiles with him!

Yes, sure, there have been a handful of times when he’s been so tired and fussy that it was difficult to console him, but those aren’t the moments I spend thinking about. I think about his cute little face, the way he feels as he’s snuggled into me, the way I lay him down in his crib for the night facing one way and he wakes up the next day completely turned around. I think about how nice it is to rock him as I feed him and we both listen to the Muppets. I think about how nice it feels to hold him in my arms while he sleeps. And I think about how James and Melyssa love him and want to be around him all the time as well! How they both come running into his room in the mornings when he wakes up and I go get him. How Melyssa always wants to hold him, and how James will kiss him good-night or good-morning with a “it’s your big brother!” whispered softly to him 🙂

And, finally, I love the fact that this wonderful life I’m living, in this beautiful, warm, and loving home, is the result of how powerfully I love my wife, and, more importantly, how powerfully she loves me.

And life, is definitely, Wonderful 🙂

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