Some News

Just got a call from a buddy of mine I hadn’t spoken with since May 2004! I had tried contacting him a few months back but all his numbers were disconnected/ changed. Anyhow, it was really nice talking to him and catching up, and he then let me know he now owns/runs a restaurant! You can find Ail Y’Ail Y’Ail at 4563 Boul. St-Laurent corner Mont Royale. There are a few links on the web:

Resto Montreal

Montreal Mirror review (bizarre review, but rates 4 clams out of 5)

Montreal Gazette Another strange review since I know for a fact that dozens of plates were ordered, but the reviewer only wrote about a handful – and only those she didn’t like. Strange.

At any rate, considering Al’s been a friend for way too many years (Comicopians may remember him as the guy who ran El Paso Komix) and I’ll definitely be dropping in one day 🙂

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