Educational System

It’s always sad and yet never surprising when I read articles like New Teachers get Rude Awakening. It’s sad how the stress of being a teacher and teacher attrition is pointed at as being the reason so many of them leave the profession. This, outside of the so-called fact that teaching salaries really are quite low.

My problem with all this? It’s not for the teachers OR the school board to raise OUR kids. It’s THEIR job to TEACH them. It’s OUR job to RAISE them. Part of that “raising” is enforcing the fact that knowledge and school is not their right, it’s their PRIVILEDGE. Kids who go to school just to waste their time, shoot the shit, get into trouble, and then get the fuck out have no right being in school. Their parents should be the ones enforcing proper behaviour at school. Detentions and Principal’s Office visits are not thing to be laughed at, they are things that should be feared. Feared in the same kind of dreaded sense that if that happens at school, something much worse will happen at home.

Too many kids don’t care about school and feel very free to mouth off whenever and however they want. Teacher can’t touch them, but oh yeah they can touch and hurt the teachers. The “rights” of a child not being punished or abused by their teachers has come at the expense of the Teachers own rights to NOT be punished or abused by their students.

Spare the rod and spoil the child has turned into touch my child and your ass is in jail. The result? Lack of respect for your elders, lack of respect for authority and authority figures, and more hoodlums being taught how to work the system to their benefit when they’re young and then use it against others when they’re older.

It seems that the longer the human race has to live and extend their lives, the longer and more often they use that time to do evil unto others. How mind-shattering is it to hear/read/see that even in the midst of the devastation of New Orleans, you have gangs going around raping women? Can you imagine being a woman who has just barely survived the destruction of your city -probably losing family along with your possessions- only to be attacked and raped? Where in God’s name do men/people/HUMANS find the lack of human decency in the black pit of their souls to DO such harm?

Some days I really just fucken hate the world and society we live in.

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