Got an email yesterday letting me know when my Fast Fiction pieces were scheduled to go online. Cool. Gave me the urge to finish up the other stuff I”m working on. Actually, as I explained to Ceri earlier this week… no, last week… holey moley where does the time go?… Anyways, as I explained to her over coffee, this upcoming weekend my family is going up to Lac St. Jean to celebrate many Turgeon anniversaries (for example, my father-in-law turns 50, his father turns 75, Chantale’s uncle turns 40, her cousin turns 20, etc). Add to that the fact that it will be Kyle’s first trip up north means it’s going to be a great family event.
I, unfortunately, have to miss it. I can’t put into words how upset this makes me. So, let’s not go there. Instead, let’s concentrate on what I’ll be doing this weekend.
Considering I’ll be spending it either at work or at home hanging out with my puppy, it’s a given I’ll be in front of the computer a lot. To that end, I’ll be working on Comicopia (articles to write, editorials to prepare for next issue -yes i know it’s 2 months from now, and mailing comments to express). I’ll be putting the final editing touches on The Mysterious Minute-Men Year Three (finally putting right the 13th episode) and The Mysterious Minute-Men Spotlights & Specials (finally putting right the second C.J. spotlight). Then, with the 5 compilations in hand, I’ll begin working on a distribution strategy and cost analysis.Two other projects I’d like to complete would be a final review of the second NaNo Novel and some final re-edits on Corrupted Memories.
Seems like a lot but will really only take a couple of hours at most. Maybe 2/3 hours a day. Of course, this also means I’ll end up tweaking the Scarelet Rose Productions website as well to see if I like the new look…
Keeping busy is good. Especially overly-busy so you don’t think about who and what you’re missing…