Interests Meme

Yoinked from

Look at your LJ “interests” list. If you have fewer than 50 interests, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five interests, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five interests, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of ’em. List them here, and tell everyone exactly what it is about these things that interests you so much.

I’ve got 91 listed, so it’s every 7th, making 13…

babylon 5 – Mankind’s last best hope… and the best damned television series made to date. How can you not love a series that’s written like a real Book? 🙂

callahans crosstime saloon – Anyone not familiar with Spider Robinson’s amazing book is really missing out on a hell of a great read. This book had a huge impact on me and brought much happiness and memories over the years, including meeting and hanging out with the Robinsons a couple of times. The most memorable being the Primedia convention of 97 and sitting on stage between him and his wife, recording his mini concert (Spider Robinson’s Lonely Hearts Club Band) 🙂

chocolate – do I really have to explain this? 🙂

cooking – The joys of eating food you prepared yourself is only second to the joys of watching those you love enjoy a meal you prepared for them. Nourishment and warmth, wrapped up in a hug of love 🙂

exploited – Gee whiz. Look at my icon. The Exploited were the first hardcore punk band to grab my attention and definitely helped get me through the 80’s 🙂

hudson hawk – Bruce Willis, Danny Aiello, Andie MacDowell, Cappucino, and a totally WHACKY adventure! This movie gave me so many kicks that I couldn’t help love it. Only Bruce could pull it off and if you don’t get it, then you don’t get it.

lord of the rings – To me, it was the first universe created in its entirety in one man’s mind… and it was incredible.

nanowrimo – Another given. Considering what came out of my taking the challenge these last couple of years – both in friendships and in pure writing output – how could I not love it?

quantum leap – Second chances at life/ happiness, time travelling, great characters, wonderful storylines… what’s not to like?

savage land – The world where it all began in my own mind.

sleeping naked – I hate being restricted while I sleep. Maybe being stuck in a straightjacket a few lifetimes ago did it to me… but there’s nothing better than cool sheets on your body to make you sleep well… (outside of a warm body, of course 🙂 )

the godfather – One of my earliest memories is going to see this movie with my parents at an Italian theatre. Family. Great acting. Family. Snippets of life in Italy. Connect the dots.

wwiv – The Savage Land BBS ran on WWIV. The best dial-up system around 🙂

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