
I felt like I haven’t been online in a while, and sure enough, my last post was August 4th. Wow. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say or share, but more that I’m too busy to even get online. Last week I was working 7:30am-3:30pm just so I could be home for Chantale and Kyle earlier. This meant my workload was quite high and didn’t leave me much time to take lunch much less go online. Since then, I’ve been on “vacation” which I have to demystify. It’s not vacation, it’s time off from work. There’s a big difference.

Anyhow, most of my thinking energy (outside of the kids and Chantale) has been on prepping for the 15th Anniversary issue of Comicopia. Deadline is less than 2 weeks away which means I fall into my very busy stage of gathering everyone’s stuff, preparing the covers, getting the editorials taken care of, etc. All this on top of trying to finish my section. So, anything I’ve wanted to say about Kyle since the actual birth has all been pretty much amalgamating in my head for inclusion in Comicopia. Unfortunately, I’ve been having a hell of a time getting a chance to sit in front of the computer and close my section. Whatever.

On another note, I wanted to simply add that I’ve finally gotten around to revamping my “Parenting” web site. The new look can be found over at Nothing really new has been added, but now that the format looks better, I can go ahead and start populating the image banks again 🙂 Let me know if you like the new look 🙂

So, my Writing site is done, Chantale/Kyle’s site is up and running, and my Parenting site is done. What’s left web wise: Chantale’s main site, Scarlet Rose Productions, and, finally,, my main site (with some of its offshoots like my Convention pages). Lots of work, but I must admit to a great feeling of satisfaction upon delivery of each site 🙂

And now, with Melyssa and James who’ve finally finished taking their showers, it’s time to give Kyle a bath (after which I will jump in the shower myself to wash off this heat! 🙂 )

Okay, enough rambling. Time to jet. Ciao.

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