Quick Hello!

Hello again! Things have been very, very nice at home, I must say. It’s been wonderful to simply devote all my time and energy to making sure the “family” is doing well. Kyle’s been rather great with his schedule and basically going for two to three hour intervals of sleep during the night in between feedings. During the day, he sometimes goes for only 90 minutes but it’s a little less “painful” when the sun’s shining in to help keep us awake 🙂

I picked up James and Melyssa last night and they’ve been by Kyle’s side pretty much every chance they could. They both got to enjoy holding him today and Kyle has been fascinated by their faces as they all just sit around staring at each other 🙂 Kyle seems to have about two periods during the day where he’s wide awake and alert for about an hour or more and just seems to take in every face that’s close to his 🙂

Have to rush, but wanted to post two pictures for now. The kids enjoying a nice little moment and a “Thank-you” picture for Arin who’s gift has been making every feeding SO much more enjoyable (and less painful on Chantale’s back) 🙂 Click on the images to get to the larger-size ones in the LJ Gallery!

Kids at Home
Kids at Home
Another picture of James and Melyssa flocking around Kyle during one of his alert-awake stages 🙂
Kyle's First Reading
Kyle’s First Reading
Kyle’s wondering who will help him turn the pages on his good friend Liam’s Mom’s book! 🙂

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