The Little Man of the Hour!

It’s now 25+ hours since this amazing trip of discovery began! I’m at home mainly because there was absolutely no place for me to stay at the hospital tonight (it’s been nuts there!) and because I really needed to crash. Chantale seemed to be in good hands and we decided I needed to get a few hours sleep because, really, 2 hours in 24 is just not realistic 🙂

At the same time, of course, I’m taking this chance to introduce everyone to our beautiful new son 🙂 If everything goes well, we should all be coming home Sunday night. Monday morning at the latest 🙂 I’m certain that when Chantale gets the time, you’ll all be able to read about our incredible experience. Until then, say hello to Kyle 🙂 Remember to click on the actual images to get bigger pictures! 🙂

Hello World! Hello World!
Here’s Kyle Ethan Aragona-Turgeon about 2 hours after birth 🙂
Birth is quite Tiring Birth is quite Tiring
A close-up of Kyle all nice and cozy in Mommy’s arms 🙂

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