Today was quite an interesting day for Kyle as he got to meet and see quite a lot of family including his older half brother and sister. Everyone was in good spirits and we especially enjoyed our evening visit with some dear friends whom Kyle will definitely see a lot of while growing up :). After visiting hours, he went into some kind of growth spurt (although truth be told, it started at before supper) where he would feed for around 45 minutes, sleep for half an hour and then wake up ravenous to start the cycle again. Obviously this is quite difficult on Chantale as she’s the only one who can do anything. Moral support can only do so much but at least I can get results from the nurses (when they’re not oggling me, of course)
Anyhow, I prepped the cot and will be sleeping (or at least laying down some times) in the room. I do hope we can leave tomorrow night as we all would be happier at home even though we don’t have as many drugs as they do here… 🙂