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Went to catch a preview showing of The Island last night. What can I say about it? Well, I still like Ewan Mcgregor, and I like blow-em-up movies, but oh boy. There were SO many explosions and dizzying camera work I actually felt nauseous a couple of times. Leave part of your mind at the door, however, as there are at least 3 different scenes where you’ll have to be a lobotomy patient in order to accept them as plausible. The effects were quite good and the “Island” and “Project” were wonderfully executed. I really did have to laugh, however, at the prospect that “Obi-Wan Kenobi” who survived the Attack of the Clones is actually thrown into another such mystery where he ends up blowing up the “death star” in an almost Star-Wars-like fashion. And, he even gets to have a “bike” chase similar to Return of the Jedi but with much more damaging results! Ouch! 🙂
Considering the small turnout, I’m wondering if (a) movie viewers have just become so jaded that they’re even loathe to come out to a free screening, or (b) everyone’s expecting this film to tank. Either way, what I found particularly strange was the fact that the theatre (in this case the AMC) in NO WAY solicited our opinions on what we thought of the movie! Everyone, outside of the two security guards in the theatre watching the audience for something, acted as though it were nothing more than just another screening. (shrug).
The saddest thing about yesterday was that I left the house with the kids sleeping and I came home with the kids sleeping – thus having spent no time with them. Chantale and I, in typical fashion these days, got some cereal (it was way too late for me to have a “real” supper) and watched a couple of episodes of Sex in the City (currently season 3) before turning off the lights at midnight… just at the time Melyssa began coughing. sigh.
I’m looking forward to going home early tonight just so I can spend some time with everyone…