Chantale and I are still in bed, with both James and Melyssa (and Casey) watching -along with the 5.5 billion other folks- Live8. I’m a sucker for these kinds of concerts and enjoy sharing both the music and the message with the kids. I knew CTV was going to be televising the Barrie concert, but I didn’t think the station would be playing all day long from everywhere else as well.
Having the television feeding through Chantale’s stereo system makes the music that much more fun 🙂
We hadn’t really planned to be spending so much time in front of the tube, but after yesterday’s very exhausting day of heat, working outside and inside, plus battling the storm, and Chantale’s what-felt-like-all-night contractions (just before midnight, she finally decided it was time to go take a walk outside to see if it would help! it did!), it’s a good opportunity to rest. The baby seems to be in a good mood (except when the Bass is too loud 🙂 ) and Chantale finally has some relief from her back. The swelling of her hands has actually gone down after two days of barely being able to make a fist! I think these next 3 weeks are going to be the toughest. At least the weather change makes it a bit more bearable.