In a fog

I was in a super mood last night. Coming home from work, I was just full of energy and in that total good mood we all had a wonderful supper. I ran out afterwards to pick up the commode for the baby’s room and can’t wait to put it together! I’m basically planning on doing it as soon as I walk into the house tonight! 🙂 When I got back from Toys R US, however, I had to take care of Melyssa’s little lice problem. Seems she was shipped over to us requiring a follow-up treatment since her previous treatment of two weeks ago didn’t fully take and they had to do it again last week. Could have easily been taken care of with the proper precautions, but, alas, such is life in the M&C T.U. (Mike & Chantage Triage Unit – where we “patch ’em up, and ship ’em out, and wait for them to return”)

That didn’t diminish my mood, though. I went to bed still full of energy! This, unfortunately, meant that come 1:30am, I was still awake. And the hours clicked on with visions of upcoming work and meetings. End result? It’s just after 2pm and I’m brain-fried. In a fog. In a daze. However way you want to put it, I is. 🙂 The crazy fact is that so is everyone else around here! Things have been going nuts and the team is really putting in a huge amount of time and effort into stabilizing stuff. I think we’re all hoping for a weekend to be able to regain some energy…

One strange thing is that even tired, I’ve actually stayed awake on my train rides! This all possibly due to the Artemis Fowl books I’m devouring! 🙂 (LU! I can’t believe I forgot the money in my pocket when we came over last weekend! Any other/ easier way to get it to you? Mail? Paypal? Interac transfer?)

And now, another meeting beckons…

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