Test 1B on a Headache

I was expecting something to come in today, but it hasn’t. Wires
got crossed somewhere, unfortunately. Hopefully it’ll be fixed soon
enough. In the meantime, I figured I’d do a secondary test with the email
posting 🙂 It’s a shame that the formatting isn’t up to par, but beggars
can’t be choosers.

I will state that I am tired. I feel a headache creeping on and should
resolve to take care of that. My mother-in-law’s birthday today so we’re
heading out for supper – kids included. Considering I know how hot it is
out there and how much Chantale and the kids are suffering at home, it’ll
be heaven to get into an A/C restaurant 🙂

On another note, I managed to get through my first month of SVP reporting.
As well as review/update other LOB priorities. My next big tackle for
tomorrow will be MS Project. Oh joy.

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