It took 8 hours, but the sucker’s done with! Holy Moley but I didn’t think I had SO much left to do! With all the mailing comments already done, I thought the Paradise Comics Toronto Comicon review and associated news bits would have taken maybe 3 hours at most. But 8?! Yow! But, with all the photographs I’ve added to the reviews, it comes out to a pretty big/intense section. Include the second-to-last chapters of the Mysterious Minute-Men serialization, and you get a section size the likes of which I haven’t put together in quite the number of years. (just the MCs are 24 pages, to give you an indication).
And yet, even after 8 straight hours here, I didn’t even get the twinge of a headache I normally do at work. Quite a difference, hm? Yes, considerably. Well, once everyone else starts sending in their work, I’ll be all set for putting Comicopia #89 together and shipped out next weekend. Yup, I’m feeling very excited and anxious about this 🙂