Running Running Faster Faster

While my lovely wife is at her mother’s enjoying a baby-shower, I’m at home trying to clear out my backlog of personal writing duties. It’s going rather well and it feels great to have my desk re-energized. It’s not 100% ready, but there’s enough of a good vibe to help me put those finishing touches on my Comicopia zine, on Comicopia-related activities, and maybe even some other items.

I must admit that I’m thoroughly enjoying sitting here surrounded by comics, papers, tim horton coffee (love the fact you can bring home the blend and put it in your own maker!), and chocolate! mmm chocolate! 🙂 I’ve been at this for over 4 hours already and I can hardly believe it. Still have a few hours left to go and I’m hoping to have it all done before the party’s over 🙂

One sad realization has been the fact that I have no Fast Fiction to contribute! In over 2 months now! wow. If that doesn’t prove that too much of my energy has gone into my daily work duties, nothing does. Well, nothing outside of the fact that way too often I’ve had my employees come to my desk and before they can ask me something will blurt out how much I look tired/bushed/like shit/need sleep/need coffee. Hm. As I promised Chantale this week, I’m coming out of my loop on this. Nothing like the realizations I posted about previously to drive home the point that a change is needed. Trust me, I know that waking up anywhere between 3am and 5am and being unable to fall back to sleep due to images of work and the meetings I have to set up, attend, or run is a definite “Clear and Present Danger” to my health.

Now, I think I’ve spent too much time online and should get back to deciphering my notes so I can move ahead in my plans 🙂


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