Chantale, the kids, and I are lounging around at my in-laws. Considering the infernal heatwave that’s hit us, there was no way for any of us (dog included!) of surviving. Since there’s air conditioning here, we decided to come over and regain our strength. They’re currently in Calgary but told us we could come over since we knew what weather to expect. With Melyssa and Chantale both asthma sufferers, it made sense.
After I picked up the kids yesterday, we went home and did some last-minute chores around the house along with making supper. Drenched in sweat we took a quick shower and then packed our stuff and came over. Within 20 minutes, everyone woke up again. The dog, who looked like an old dish rag just spread on the floor suddenly came back to life with high energy 🙂 We all got cozy downstairs and settled in to watch Chicken Run on CBC (Saturday Night at the Movies which I’m going to miss when/if Hockey returns to the airwaves next year). Chantale and I had never seen it and we really got a kick out of it 🙂
Kids in bed, Chantale and I went upstairs and got some more munchies. I had brought along Risky Business since she’d never seen it and we relaxed watching that. When it was over, we ended up with a little Frisky Business ourselves 🙂 I must admit (and cover your eyes if you’re under 18!) making love to a pregnant woman is an incredibly tender and emotional experience. Of course it helps if you’re as madly in love with her as I am with Chantale 🙂
Thelma and Louise was the late movie and since Chantale couldn’t remember Brad Pitt being in it, we stayed up until after his scene and then called it a night. This morning, she had to get out of bed and go sleep on the couch at 7am due to the baby’s constant hiccupping. The kids stayed in bed until I got them at 8:45am. I made them and myself breakfast while Chantale continued (and continues!) to catch up on her sleep 🙂 They’re now building Legos on the bed while I decided to come online and see if anyone posted about last night’s concert 🙂
I have to look into what installing an A/C system into our current central air would cost. This heat is just way too dangerous. And as much as I enjoy being here (it’s like going away to a cottage for the weekend 🙂 ) I would just as much enjoy being at home and at least being able to continue working on some of my on-going writing projects and submissions…