A number of meetings were cancelled, thus freeing me up to give me a chance to try to get my head back above water. Been difficult.
Rainy day post coming up, feel free to move along…
1- Work is wiping me out. I’m feeling discouraged, depressed, and lost. Stuff’s just a little overwhelming right now. Not a fun feeling.
2- My father suffered a detached retina on Friday… he can’t see out of his right eye. He was able to get a meeting with a doctor yesterday who confirmed it. He’s going to see a specialist tomorrow who might be able to help. I’m hoping some laser surgery will give him his eyesight back… He had a really rough day yesterday when he heard the news that it could be permanent and I hate thinking of my dad hurting…
On top of those gloomy emotional things, comes the usual rollercoaster of finding out on Friday that my daughter had to be taken to the hospital the previous Tuesday due to an asthma attack triggered the previous Monday at her grandparents place. Said grandparents have “adopted” a “wild cat” who supposedly lives “outside” and never in the house… except, oh, sorry Melyssa, the chair you sat on Monday -in the house- was actually used by the cat once when it ran into the house. Everyone knows this and my daughter is still brought there. Yet, when my parents got a kitten a few years ago, the ex practically had an injunction placed on them so my kids could not go into the house – and we were living right upstairs! It’s bloody hysterical how the “rules” just don’t apply the same for her as they do for me…
So, tomorrow morning Chantale has her regular checkup. Tomorrow afternoon my dad sees his specialist and I am definitely going to go see him. And Thursday, I’m at the hospital as well running tests. Sadly, instead of thinking about all these health issues, what’s on MY mind is how insane work is going to be when I get back on Friday…
Okay, gloomy post over. I’ll disappear again now… and the beat goes on…