So. It’s Wednesday. Where are you at?
Again, I’m in the dilemma of not knowing where I’m at. Not remembering what I last wrote. Not remembering what it is I wanted to post. Realizing I haven’t been active only after the evening has worn down and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what happened. But that, it seems, is the life I’m currently leading.
Huh. Leading. More like following around. If I could lead life… where would I take it? heh heh…
Have you local folks seen the news or the papers with the stunts pulled on Sunday and Monday by the Fathers 4 Justice group? Since last year, they’ve taken to dressing up as super heroes and planned coups of civil disobedience in order to get their point out to the “public” about how UNFAIR fathers are treated in divorce cases. Some of these poor bastards are completely locked out from having any and all contact with their kids – all because the courts declare that “Mothers know best” in raising kids. All we become is a wallet. Regardless of how much we want to be involved, they have the final word. And, unfortunately, no matter how much we “succeed” in the working world, it’s never worth it when you see your pay cut in half to go somewhere you have no control over.
You have to love a system that decides what percentage of cash is going to be forked over in Child Support based on your Gross income and then takes that sum out of your NET. And, of course, the clincher is that you get to the end of the year, file your taxes, and the Govment says “hey, you made that much! give us more!” all the while being completely blind to the fact that you may have made that much, but you NEVER got a chance to use it/ spend it. Do you get paid twice a month? Take one of those pays and throw it away. Now try to live on that one pay. Welcome to my world, fuck you very much.
Anyhow, didn’t want to put up an anger post, just got carried away. What I really wanted to do was post up the news about those stunts. Basically, one man dressed up as Robin and climbed the Jacques Cartier Bridge here on Monday. Sunday, another man dressed up as Spider-Man and climbed the giant cross on Mount Royal. The charges against them aren’t important. The sad part is that we’ve come to a point where stupid stunts like this have to take place because the Govment is ignoring the truth about what goes on in the real world. Fathers don’t and shouldn’t fit into cookie-cutter molds. Each case should be treated accordingly. There’s no reason to punish the whole class for one fuckup who decides to play the fool.
Bah. enough. See you next week.