“Hello everybody out there in radio and tv land!”
Ok, not quite. For those of you wanting an update, bear with me as I’m fighting off a massive migraine which both food and pills could not alleviate:
Chantale finally got in touch with her doc yesterday who told her to go in. We headed out and eventually found out that all the blood work showed nothing. She was fine. Her blood pressure was fine, not suffering from diabetes, everything was good. And yet, she wasn’t. The doc was very perplexed, stating that she’s never seen anything this bad before. So, she had to set up an appointment with a cardiologist and a neurologist as well as being confined to bed-rest. While she was working out the details for that, I headed over to the Medi-Plus building to visit my own doctor who ended up referring me to a specialist at the JGH. Since I was heading over there to pick up Chantale, the nurse made a call and arranged for me to be seen right away.
I meet Chantale and after we settle with her doc, I head over and see the specialist. After consultation, examination, and filling of two bottles, we got to go home – but I need to see him at 7:20am Friday morning with two more samples. Ah, the joys of tests. We slowly make our way home and Chantale is obviously exhausted and feeling somewhat depressed. The cardiologist appointment was scheduled for this morning at 8am. To get her mind off of everything, I took her to a really nice supper and then we headed home.
This morning, we were back at the JGH at 7:30am and were seen shortly after 8am. The doc was a really nice guy. Wonderful bedside manner and quite the contrast to her ObGyn. Anyhow, in the 2+ hours we were there, Chantale got an electrocardiogram done followed by an ultrasound of her heart. Everything seemed normal. Finally, before leaving, she was hooked into a heart monitor that she has to carry around the rest of the day and into the night. She was told to bring it back tomorrow at 8am, but since I have to be there already (plans are to catch the 6am train at ile perrot) they were okay with me doing it. Why should I force Chantale to get up at 5:30am just to drop something off? It’s gonna be a hell of a day for me with three scheduled meetings, but what the hell. Having Picasso’s to look forward to at night should give me the boost of energy I need. 🙂
Picasso’s GT Yes, it is still on! See you there any time after 7pm!
So, Chantale is now resting/ sleeping upstairs while I came down here to catch up on my work emails and make sure everything is under control. (Muad_ib, I’m really sorry I missed your birthday lunch. Happy Birthday at any rate! I’ll take you to Cora’s next week or something 🙂 ) And now that everything looks good, I’m gonna go see if sleep can help get rid of this pain in my head…